Find Counsultant
Find your consultant from our repository of more than 1 Lakh technical experts across more than 200 different domains spread over 500 geographical locations/ clusters.To find a consultant, first register as a client. Subsequently, you may access the search panel anytime using your login credentials.
Access to the contact info of the consultant(s) shall be limited. To search consultant(s), click the Search button below.
In case you are not sure about the specialization you are required to search for your Consultant then Click here to help us to assist you.

Become A Consultant
Register as a Consultant and get visibility to thousands of URexpertz clients spread over hundreds of geographical locations.
Once registered, you may access your profile anytime and update your attainments, experience and contact info time to time. Your profile shall be visible real time to the clients as their search.
Registered consultants accumulates reviews and ratings from clients, which can significantly enhance their reputation and attract more Client.
To register yourself as a Consultant/ Expert, click the tab below.

Request a Consultant
A separate additional interface
The interface has been designed for Clients separately and additionally to facilitate the clients for a faster zero in on their search.
Institutional/ Organizational clients
The interface is designed for individual clients. For institutional clients, the representative or Single Point of Contact (SPOC) details can be entered..